The Public Entity Saba informs the community that the temporary reduction in water prices for 2024, enabled by an additional subsidy from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management,…
Through the continued efforts of the NEPP (Nature and Environment Policy Plan) team and its key stakeholders, the island has seen progress in reducing erosion and facilitating vegetation…
Since the start of the new year, the Public Entity’s reforestation project team has been busy transferring many of the saplings growing in the nursery at the Agriculture Station to a second…
In December, the Public Entity Saba’s reforestation project received a donation of over 100 local lemon seedlings from island resident Marie Petit.
With the Saba Conservation Foundation’s ReLeaf Saba reforestation project having come to an end, the monitoring and maintenance of the trees that have been outplanted and those in its tree…
Within the first half of 2025, Hyacinth House – a traditional Saban cottage nestled in the heart of Windwardside – will undergo various renovations and restoration.
On Saturday, December 14th, Public Entity Saba hosted their annual World Food Day event. The event included various speeches on food security, a tour of the hydroponics farm, and different…
The Black Rocks Harbor Project is set to commence initial site preparations in early 2025.
Last month, Minister of Justice on Sint Maarten, Nathalie Tackling, formerly the provider of Legal Desk services on Saba, made a courtesy visit to the Public Entity Saba and met with Island…