Launch of community survey for Spatial Development Plan Saba

Public Entity Saba has started preparing the first Spatial Development Plan for Saba.

The plan will shape how the island develops in the future, finding a balance between getting the homes, businesses and infrastructure Saba needs and preserving the unique natural and cultural heritage on the island.

As a first step in preparing the plan, a community survey has been launched to find out what Sabans value about Saba and what should be improved. This includes topics such as housing, environment, community facilities and the economy. The survey will inform the next steps of the preparation of the plan which will take the course of 2025, with various opportunities for the community to get involved.

Together with the launch of the survey, a video was published to describe what the plan is (and is not) and why it is needed, which can be viewed here.

“Saba has seen a lot of change in recent years and will continue to do so in the future. We want to make sure the island develops in a way that is right for Saba. I encourage our residents to complete the survey so we can take your views on board as we develop the Spatial Development Plan for Saba,” stated Commissioner Bruce Zagers. To view Zagers full statement, click here to watch.

To learn more about the Spatial Development Plan or to complete the survey, please visit Spatial Development Plan | Public Entity Saba