Over 500 saplings have been transported using the project vehicle. The transfer of these young trees to a second nursery frees up space at the first nursery for more trees to be grown.
Toward the end of 2024, the first nursery site had reached the maximum capacity of what it could hold. More space was needed to accommodate the growing of more trees. At around the same time, the construction of new greenhouses at the hydroponics farm had been completed. This provided an opportunity for the reforestation project to continue its activities in the new available space.
Trees that were transported to the hydroponics farm were placed in the first greenhouses there. This particular greenhouse provides significantly more space and will act as a temporary second nursery for the further growing of trees until they are ready for outplanting. When the saplings in this greenhouse have been outplanted, the greenhouse will be returned to the hydroponics farm project for the growing of vegetable crops for local food production.
Photo 2: Some of the saplings set up in the new greenhouse nursery, which will serve as their temporary home until they are outplanted
Photo 3: Another truckload of saplings that were transported to the new nursery site