Public Transportation: Updated Schedule

We wish to inform the public of the recently updated Island Express schedule, as well as information on the waiting locations.

Central Waiting Location for Public Transportation:

- Windwardside: Small Parking Lot                         - The Bottom: Government Building Gazebo 

- Zions Hill: Milicent Flat Bus Stop                           - Upper Hells Gate: The Garage 

- Lower Hells Gate: Entrance to Sinkhole               - St. John's: On the hill above the entrance to St. John's 
- Booby Hill: At the corner near the Booby Hill sign

Additional Information: Passengers not at these central locations can signal the bus for pickup if they are not at a designated stop. For areas such as Lower Hells Gate, Fort Bay, and The Level, service is available upon request during operational hours. Requests can be made via WhatsApp at +590690083859.

During the morning shift, all passengers are kindly asked to use the designated pickup points to ensure timely adherence to the schedule. While the driver will do her best to accommodate all requests, maintaining the schedule is a priority. For any questions or concerns about public transportation, please reach out to

We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to continue serving our community with safe and efficient public transport.